
'Breastaurant' Trademark

'Breastaurant' trademark - Texas restaurant chain trademarks the term “breastaurant”. The term breastaurant has been used for years to describe Hooters, Twin Peaks and other restaurants that feature scantily clad waitresses who cater especially to a male appetite.
Thanks to a trademark filed with the United States Patent and Trademark office, however, there is officially only one Breastaurant.

Bikinis Bar and Grill, a chain that started in Austin and now has locations throughout Texas, North Carolina and Oklahoma, holds the trademark for the word, meaning the company is the only one allowed to describe themselves with that term.

“We’re really excited about receiving this federal trademark,” founder and CEO Doug Guller said in a statement. “Our team has worked hard over the last seven years to offer a unique experience to our fans.”

If we’re no longer allowed to call them breastaurants what do we call them though? Reported