
Man Blamed Canine For Apartment Arson

Man Blamed Canine For Apartment Arson
Man Blamed Canine For Apartment Arson - The provocative results of a new survey challenge the long-held notion that Canadians are reluctant to be as outwardly patriotic as their brash American neighbours. The Ipsos-Reid online survey of 1,100 people – conducted for the Historica-Dominion Institute in the days leading up to the Canada Day long weekend – suggest the Canadian sense of national pride is becoming an in-your-face swagger. That is particularly true when it comes to the country’s most potent national symbol – the maple leaf.

One in five of those surveyed said they would consider getting a tattoo of a Canadian flag somewhere on their body.

They didn’t say where.

But respondents from Saskatchewan and Manitoba seemed the most eager, as well as those under 55.

“We’re talking about a country that traditionally was not very extroverted in a way that Americans or Brits are,” said Jeremy Diamond, the institute’s national director.

“We’re breaking a mould here. We’re breaking out of our conservative feelings that the flag should only be flown a certain way.”

That’s an understatement.

The survey suggests that when it comes to the maple leaf, Canadians consider it their overwhelming choice for a national symbol – and they like seeing it everywhere, even on their underwear.

Forget the Mounties in red serge, industrious beavers and well-worn hockey jerseys – these stodgy icons each garnered only 10 per cent support when respondents were asked to pick a national symbol.

The polar bear, Inukshuk and canoe were even further behind. Poutine wafted into the survey at two per cent, smothering Anne of Green Gables at one per cent.

The maple leaf, by contrast, was selected by 59 per cent – one of the most decisive findings in the survey.

“The fact that it was a clear front-runner surprised us,” says Diamond.

“We thought that (the other symbols) would be much higher up. … It looks like there’s an interesting consensus across regions, across age, across any demographic that the maple leaf remains the one symbol that all Canadians can agree on.”

Deborah Morrison, president of Canada’s History Society, says there are many reasons why Canadians seem to love the leaf more than ever.